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Mix to your taste - what is in a vape

Mix to your taste - what is in a vape

Since January 2021, all e-cigarette liquids in accordance with Ukrainian law have been classified as excise goods. For every milliliter of the mixture, the seller must now pay three hryvnias of excise tax and attach a special label to the bottle, otherwise the regulatory authorities may confiscate unmarked products and issue fines during inspections. In addition, entrepreneurs who sell vape liquids in their stores are required to obtain the appropriate license and collect a full package of permitting documentation, just like their colleagues who trade in traditional tobacco products or alcoholic beverages.

These restrictions are the result of a whole series of "anti-tobacco" laws that heavily regulate not only regular cigarettes but also their electronic substitutes. Similar legislative norms, which equate vapes to cigarettes and their liquids to tobacco products, have been in effect for over five years in European Union countries, and now it is Ukraine's turn. Electronic cigarettes and ready-made vape liquids can only be sold in specialized stores, warning labels of a certain size must be placed on the packaging, and advertising of vape products has been banned, just like advertising for traditional cigarettes.

A natural reaction to the tightening of laws against e-cigarettes has been a rapid increase in the popularity of component kits, which can be legally purchased in stores in Poland, Germany, and other European countries, as well as buying vapes in Ukraine. Such a kit includes the basic components of the refill, from which the user can prepare the mixture himself, instead of buying a ready-made mixture. In terms of its characteristics, the liquid mixed by the vaper is no different from the one he buys in a factory-filled cartridge, but it is noticeably cheaper.

Can the composition of e-cigarette liquid be changed

By mixing the liquid from a set of components, the user can get a number of important advantages:

  • the ability to change the composition of the mixture to their taste;
  • the ability to independently regulate the strength;
  • the mixture may not contain nicotine at all;
  • the price of component sets, unlike ready-made liquids, does not include excise tax.

Undoubtedly, the affordable price is the main advantage of component sets for the end consumer, which leads to a rapid demand for them.

In accordance with the current legislation, only ready-made liquid for vaping with the corresponding UKT ZED code is subject to excise tax. Component sets are a kind of liquid constructor that includes four bottles – with propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, nicotine booster, and food flavoring. All these components, based on their UKT ZED codes, are not included in the list of goods subject to excise tax, so vapers do not have to overpay. A license to trade in tobacco products is not required to sell component sets, but ready-made liquids cannot be sold without it, so sellers have to spend a lot of money on obtaining a license and paying excise taxes, which negatively affects the retail price of refills.

Aside from financial considerations, many vapers prefer to buy component sets in order to mix their own liquid to their liking. Standard blends, designed for a wide audience of users, may not always satisfy the demands of true connoisseurs of flavorful and tasty vapor. By combining different flavorings, one can achieve highly unusual and original taste combinations that are not found in the range of ready-made mixes.

Component sets are also purchased by those who use nicotine-free vaping. Many of those who have finally overcome their nicotine addiction miss the familiar taste of cigarettes and compensate for it with flavored vapor. And since they no longer need nicotine, they choose blends without the nicotine booster, which are completely harmless to health. However, nicotine can be added if desired, in the optimal amount for each individual user.

However, averaged options are not suitable for everyone, and self-mixing allows for the selection of the perfect ratio for oneself.

Where to buy the perfect vape in Ukraine

Vaping has long been a full-fledged fashion trend, so a special approach is needed for successful business management in this market segment. The range of products in the store should be sufficient so that each customer can easily choose a liquid to their own taste, and the pricing policy should be as flexible as possible to attract customers with advantageous prices. The largest wholesale online store of vape products in Ukraine, Octolab, offers a wide selection of component kits under the brands Octobar, Black Limit Salt, TWINS, Vape Mix Kit, IONIQ.

This product is the optimal option for vaping, as the components do not require excise labeling and are cheaper than ready-made refills.

A license to sell tobacco products is not required for retail sales of components, which allows the entrepreneur to significantly reduce costs and increase the profitability of their business, and they can be advertised without any restrictions, unlike ready-made liquids, the advertising of which has fallen under anti-tobacco bans under new legislation. Give your customers unlimited choice – with a set of components, an experienced vaper who values ​​sophisticated flavors and unusual sensations will always be able to create exactly the composition that fully satisfies all their requests.

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