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Reality or fiction - side effects from electronic cigarettes

Reality or fiction - side effects from electronic cigarettes

Smoking tobacco unquestionably damages health - nowadays no one doubts this postulate, especially since the presence of dangerous side effects from smoking is confirmed by numerous medical studies conducted by authoritative laboratories and medical organizations. According to the World Health Organization, on average, about a million people die each year worldwide from diseases caused by smoking. There is documentary evidence that tobacco smoke causes the development of emphysema and lung cancer, disrupts the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, and causes many other chronic illnesses.

It's not surprising that many avid smokers are willing to give up this harmful habit, but are afraid of discomfort - after all, nicotine eventually causes strong addiction, and even people with great willpower find it very difficult to quit smoking instantly. To help them gradually get rid of nicotine addiction, many different methods have been developed - from exercises and self-hypnosis to nicotine tablets, chewing gum, or patches. Their effectiveness largely depends on individual characteristics of the body and is the subject of much debate, but vaping is recognized as the most effective and, most importantly, comfortable way to quit smoking.

Many smokers with experience, in addition to nicotine addiction, also have a psychological one - smoking has become a familiar daily ritual for them. And if the need for nicotine can be satisfied with a tablet or patch, then without the usual drag, a person cannot fully relax, begins to feel constant stress, as a result of which concentration is lost, and they become inefficient. Vapes were specially developed to relieve discomfort - the effects of vaping perfectly replace smoking, imitating the usual taste sensations, the aromatic vapor from the vape is much more pleasant than tobacco smoke, but not less effective in helping to relax.

Are there any side effects of electronic cigarettes

It is well known that smoking tobacco causes real harm to the body, while vaping is much safer and any potential harm from it is purely hypothetical.

The main advantages of vaping over smoking are:

  • nicotine in small doses is quickly absorbed and immediately enters the bloodstream;
  • there is no unpleasant odor from the mouth or pallor of the skin that is common in smokers;
  • vapers are not exposed to the dangerous effects of tobacco smoke;
  • vapor is pleasant in taste and aroma, which cannot be said of tobacco smoke;
  • the nicotine content in the liquid can be regulated with high precision, gradually reducing it to zero.

As serious scientific studies show, tobacco smoke contains dozens, if not hundreds, of dangerous chemical compounds - from carbon monoxide, acetone, ammonia, formaldehyde, or benzene to arsenic, cadmium, lead, and methane. With each puff, smokers inhale this cocktail of harmful chemicals into their lungs, and even in small doses, this toxic chemistry gradually accumulates in the body, contributing to the development of serious chronic diseases.

Is it worth exposing oneself to such risks just for the sake of satisfying the craving for nicotine? Definitely not - vaping does a much better job of meeting this challenge, and the user of the device and the people around them do not feel any discomfort. However, it cannot be claimed that vaping is completely safe - side effects from it are possible with improper use of an e-cigarette. The liquid that is used to fill e-cigarettes consists of four components:

  • propylene glycol;
  • vegetable glycerin;
  • food flavorings;
  • synthetic or organic nicotine.

The first three components are widely used in the food, perfume, and pharmaceutical industries - glycerin, propylene glycol, and flavoring additives are present in all products that we eat, in all medications, cosmetics, and cleaning products that we use every day.

The only potentially harmful component of the liquid is nicotine. It is necessary to relieve discomfort and fulfill the body's need that experiences nicotine addiction. However, overdose can cause side effects, including:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • ringing in the ears;
  • confusion, disorientation;
  • increased heart rate;
  • excessive sweating.

Heavy smokers of tobacco, who smoke several packs a day, may have experienced similar unpleasant sensations. Therefore, it should be understood that only an excessively large amount of nicotine, not the method of its consumption, can harm the body.

How to minimize the consequences of vaping electronic cigarettes

Getting rid of negative symptoms of overdose is usually not difficult - when they appear, you should stop vaping, drink water and spend an hour in fresh air. Preventing overdose is also easy - to do this, it is worth choosing liquids with a low nicotine content, and when mixing them yourself, carefully selecting the concentration according to the recommendations of the sellers in the vape shop. "Zero" liquids - nicotine-free mixtures that can be vaped just for pleasure, and a small amount of nicotine booster can be added to them if desired - are very popular among vapers.

The quality of the components also plays a significant role - for preparation, glycerin and propylene glycol of the highest purification degree are used, as well as special food flavoring additives that do not break down during prolonged heating. Octolab wholesale vape shop is a reliable supplier that offers a wide range of popular vaping products. High-quality pods, accessories for them, and sets of components intended for self-mixing of liquids are produced and sold in Ukraine under the Octobar, Black Limit Salt, TWINS, Vape Mix Kit, and IONIQ brands. Unlike ready-to-use refills, components are not subject to excise tax, and their price is much more attractive to customers, while entrepreneurs do not need a license or permits to sell tobacco products.

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